"With awareness of cultural diversity and
the positive values of artistic regionalism,
the Sandusky Cultural Center will provide
educational and entertaining exhibits that
stimulate an interest in the fine arts,
provide a focus for multi-cultural
awareness, and introduce complex issues and
challenging concepts."
Thanks to the support and generosity of the
community, Sandusky Cultural Center continues a
tradition of bringing to the gallery known and
aspiring artist, tapping talent regionally, and
frequently, nationally or internationally as
well. Visitors are afforded opportunities to
view and acquire images and objects in diverse
In recent years the schedule has included five
exhibitions per season, often coinciding with
exhibitions at Off
Center, adjacent to the Sandusky
Cultural Center gallery.
The gallery is open to the public free of charge
during scheduled events
and hours.
We welcome organizations and school groups; the
gallery can be made available for guided tours,
workshops or as a meeting space. Arrangements
can be made by contacting
Cultural Center.
The history of the Sandusky
Cultural Center is similar to the artistic
evolution of our
community. It began with the vision and energy
of Frank Smith, who saw the
Center's creation "lead to a greater role for
Art in our community," and
progressed for thirty-five years through the
dedication and continued efforts of
past and present board members, Mr. Smith's and
Charles Mayer's
Center staff and countless artists, friends and
gallery visitors.
The early shows, which began in September 1967,
ranged widely from the work of local
school children to traveling exhibits loaned by
or rented at nominal
fees from organizations such as the Smithsonian.
In the first years,
the Dauch family donated a fountain that became
the logo of the Center
for many years. This fountain remains in the Off
Center gallery at
Coupled with the growing public support was a
gradual broadening of the work presented by
the Center. Shows of local and regional artists
began to replace
traveling and loaned shows. By 1972 and 1973,
the Center was
attracting acclaimed artists from a wider area.
This evolutionary process has continued for the
past fifteen years under the directorship
of Charles T. Mayer. A former student of
and assistant to Frank
Smith, Mr. Mayer has adhered to the mission of
presenting "a wide variety of
exhibits, some of which are meant to be
educational and all of which are meant to
be appealing as well. This mission was further
defined in 1993 with the adoption of a formal mission statement.
It is finally the redemptive quality of art, of
creating something from disparate elements, that
makes it an essential part of our lives. The
first thirty-five years of
the Sandusky Cultural Center can best be
described by the title
of one of its shows, "The Whole is Greater than
the Sum of its
Parts". From the host of artists, friends,
volunteers, board members,
staff and
the vision of two talented directors has come a
rich and complex
of artistic and educational excellence that is
one of the area's
assets. While the Center's reputation in the
continues to grow, its future will ultimately be
assured by the
interest and support of gallery visitors.
Off Center was started
during the 1998-99 season as a new gallery of
the Sandusky Cultural
Center to display the work of young area
artists. Coinciding with
Cultural Center exhibits, we mount shows of the
best work being done by local
students. In this way, Off Center
supports and encourages young people in the
pursuit of their artistic talents. We also hope
to open the galleries to a new, younger audience
of art lovers.
To see if there will be an Off Center
show with a Cultural Center exhibition, check
the current
Exhibition Schedule.